Dt. Ayşe Atay
Spécialiste en dentisterie prothétique
Dt. Ayşe Atay
Le Dr. Ayşe Atay est un spécialiste en dentisterie prothétique avec plus de 10 ans d’expérience.
- Dentfix Dental Clinic, Dentiste, 2024 – Aujourd’hui
- Université d’Altınbaş, faculté de médecine dentaire, département de prosthodontie, professeur associé, 2021 – aujourd’hui.
- Université Bezmialem Vakıf, Faculté de médecine dentaire, Département de prosthodontie, Professeur adjoint, 2014 – 2017
- Clinique privée, 2014 – 2017
- Université d’Ege, Faculté de médecine dentaire, Département de prothèse dentaire, Master, 2006 – 2010
- Faculté de médecine dentaire de l’université d’Ege, 1999 – 2004
- Atay Ayşe, Gürdal Işıl, Bozok Çetı̇ndaş Vildan, Üşümez Aslıhan,Çal Ebru, (2019). Effects of New Generation All Ceramic and Provisional Materials on Fibroblast Cells. Journal of Prosthodontics-Implant Esthetic Dentistry,28(1),383-394.
- Gürdal Işıl, Atay Ayşe, Eıchberger Marlıs,ÇalEbru,Üşümez Aslıhan, Stawarczyk Bogna (2018). Color change of CAD-CAM materials and composite resin cements after thermocycling. The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry,120(4), 546-552.
- Atay Ayşe, Kara Özlem, Kara Haluk Barış,Çal Ebru,Üşümez Aslıhan (2017). Influence of desensitizing procedures on adhesion of resin cements to dentin. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology,31(9),1007-1016.
- Kara Özlem, Güven Mehmet Esad, Atay Ayşe, Üşümez Aslıhan (2018). Efficiency of Lasers and a Desensitizer Agent on Dentin Hypersensitivity Treatment: A clinical study. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice,21(2), 225-230
- Atay Ayşe, Bozok Çetı̇ntaş Vı̇ldan, Çal Ebru, Kosova Buket, Günerı̇ Pelı̇n, Kesercı̇oğlu Atı̇lla (2012). Cytotoxicity of hard and soft denture lining materials. Dental Materials Journal, 31(6), 1082-1086.
- Mutlu Öğütveren Alev, Atay Ayşe, Çal Ebru (2021). Bonding Effectiveness of Contemporary Materials in Luting Glass-Ceramic to Dentine: An In Vitro Study. Journal of Advanced Oral Research, 12(1), 103-111.
- Atay Ayşe, Najafova Lamıa, Kurtulmuş Hüseyı̇ n Mehmet, Üşümez Aslıhan (2020). The micro-shear bond strength of two different repair systems to indirect restorative materials. STOMATOLOGY EDU JOURNAL, 7(4), 233-241.
- Atay Ayşe, Bozok Çetı̇ntaş Vı̇ldan, Günerı̇ Pelı̇n, Becerı̇klı̇ Kıvrak Beste, Çal Ebru (2020). Cytotoxicity of Indirect Restorative Materials on Fibroblast Cells: In-Vitro Study. STOMATOLOGY EDU JOURNAL, 7(3), 155-162.
- Atay Ayşe, Sağırkaya Cennet Elçı̇n (2020). Effects of Different Storage Conditions on Mechanical Properties of CAD/CAM Restorative Materials. ODOVTOS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES, 22(2), 83-96.
- Atay Ayşe, Palazlı Zülal, Gürdal Işıl, Üşümez Aslıhan (2019). Color Change of Different Dual-Cure Resin Cements After Thermocycling. ODOVTOS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES, 21(2), 53-62.
- Atay Ayşe, Börklü Büşra Selen, Altıntaş Subutay Han, Üşümez Aslıhan (2019). In-Vitro Measurement of UDMA Released from Different Resin-Ceramic CAD/CAM Materials. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL DENTISTRY, 23(2), 208-214.
- Çal Ebru, Günerı̇ Pelı̇ n, Atay Ayşe, Bozok Çetı̇ ntaş Vı̇ ldan (2014). Cytotoxicity of dentin bonding agents. General Dentistry, 62(6), 11-14