Dt. Ayşe Atay
أخصائي طب الأسنان التعويضي
Dt. Ayşe Atay
د. عائشة أتاي هي اختصاصية في طب الأسنان التعويضي تتمتع بخبرة تزيد عن 10 سنوات.
عيادة Dentfix لطب الأسنان، طبيب أسنان، 2024 – حتى الآن
جامعة Altınbaş، كلية طب الأسنان، قسم التركيبات السنية، أستاذ مشارك، 2021 – حتى الآن
جامعة Bezmialem Vakıf، كلية طب الأسنان، قسم التركيبات السنية، أستاذ مساعد، 2014 – 2017
عيادة خاصة، 2014 – 2017
كلية طب الأسنان بجامعة Ege، قسم طب الأسنان التعويضي، درجة الماجستير، 2006 – 2010
كلية طب الأسنان في جامعة Ege، من 1999 إلى 2004
- . Atay Ayşe, Gürdal Işıl, Bozok Çetı̇ndaş Vildan, Üşümez Aslıhan,Çal Ebru, (2019). Effects of New Generation All Ceramic and Provisional Materials on Fibroblast Cells. Journal of Prosthodontics-Implant Esthetic Dentistry,28(1),383-394.
- Gürdal Işıl, Atay Ayşe, Eıchberger Marlıs,ÇalEbru,Üşümez Aslıhan, Stawarczyk Bogna (2018). Color change of CAD-CAM materials and composite resin cements after thermocycling. The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry,120(4), 546-552.
- Atay Ayşe, Kara Özlem, Kara Haluk Barış,Çal Ebru,Üşümez Aslıhan (2017). Influence of desensitizing procedures on adhesion of resin cements to dentin. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology,31(9),1007-1016.
- Kara Özlem, Güven Mehmet Esad, Atay Ayşe, Üşümez Aslıhan (2018). Efficiency of Lasers and a Desensitizer Agent on Dentin Hypersensitivity Treatment: A clinical study. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice,21(2), 225-230
- Atay Ayşe, Bozok Çetı̇ntaş Vı̇ldan, Çal Ebru, Kosova Buket, Günerı̇ Pelı̇n, Kesercı̇oğlu Atı̇lla (2012). Cytotoxicity of hard and soft denture lining materials. Dental Materials Journal, 31(6), 1082-1086.
- Mutlu Öğütveren Alev, Atay Ayşe, Çal Ebru (2021). Bonding Effectiveness of Contemporary Materials in Luting Glass-Ceramic to Dentine: An In Vitro Study. Journal of Advanced Oral Research, 12(1), 103-111.
- Atay Ayşe, Najafova Lamıa, Kurtulmuş Hüseyı̇ n Mehmet, Üşümez Aslıhan (2020). The micro-shear bond strength of two different repair systems to indirect restorative materials. STOMATOLOGY EDU JOURNAL, 7(4), 233-241.
- Atay Ayşe, Bozok Çetı̇ntaş Vı̇ldan, Günerı̇ Pelı̇n, Becerı̇klı̇ Kıvrak Beste, Çal Ebru (2020). Cytotoxicity of Indirect Restorative Materials on Fibroblast Cells: In-Vitro Study. STOMATOLOGY EDU JOURNAL, 7(3), 155-162.
- Atay Ayşe, Sağırkaya Cennet Elçı̇n (2020). Effects of Different Storage Conditions on Mechanical Properties of CAD/CAM Restorative Materials. ODOVTOS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES, 22(2), 83-96.
- Atay Ayşe, Palazlı Zülal, Gürdal Işıl, Üşümez Aslıhan (2019). Color Change of Different Dual-Cure Resin Cements After Thermocycling. ODOVTOS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES, 21(2), 53-62.
- Atay Ayşe, Börklü Büşra Selen, Altıntaş Subutay Han, Üşümez Aslıhan (2019). In-Vitro Measurement of UDMA Released from Different Resin-Ceramic CAD/CAM Materials. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL DENTISTRY, 23(2), 208-214.
- Çal Ebru, Günerı̇ Pelı̇ n, Atay Ayşe, Bozok Çetı̇ ntaş Vı̇ ldan (2014). Cytotoxicity of dentin bonding agents. General Dentistry, 62(6), 11-14